Friday, June 17, 2011

It's Just Business.

Hello, and welcome once again to another installment of my world-famous fantastically astonishingly amazing blog.  Life has been busy busy busy for me the past couple of weeks.  The weather here at Holly Farms Dairy has been incredibly hot and dry, and unfortunately evryone has been reacting in a very unprofessional manner because of it.  

Ronald Pig has been uncooperative and unwilling to do his part on the farm, and his brother Walter has been really angry with him about it, as Walter has been doing most of his brother's work.
My little sister Belle has been enjoying the summer months off of school, but she too has been playing a little more than working, and some of her chores are not getting accomplished.  Of course, yours truly, being the amazing big sister that I am,  have graciously been covering for her, while gently persuading her to get her chores done.

It makes me sad when my friends aren't cooperating and helping.  Really that's not like them.  I blame the heat.I'm hoping that things will settle down a bit and the routines will return to normal around the farm.  A few nice days of cool rain might help, but there's none in sight.  So for now, we're trying as best we can to maintain business as usual.

And with that in mind, this week's blog is all about business. Business cards, that is.  And here are a few really great designs from some really great friends of mine.  These cute, funny, and fantastic cards are sure to get your business noticed.  ENJOY! 

So friends, with any luck we'll see a breakin this hot, dry weather and tempers will settle down a bit and we'll be able to get on with the dairy business as usual.  I'll keep you posted.

Until next time, this is Holly Cow.  Back to business!


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