Friday, July 8, 2011

Holly Cow All Over The World

Hello everyone!  It's time once again for another installment of my world-famous blog.  Thank you all for reading. 

Well, what can I tell you about life on the farm this week...  The chores are getting done a little better this past week on the farm.  In case I've never mentioned it before, it is my primary responsibility at Holly Farms Dairy to see to it that everyone else is getting their chores done.  I'm kind of the manager.  Well, there are some humans there who actually own and operate the farm, but I'm responsible for seeing to it that the real work gets done.  You see, I'm too young to be a milk cow, (we cows don't give milk until we've had babies, and I'm nowhere near ready to start a family!) and I'm too old to have no chores at all.  And besides, the farm was named after me, it only makes sense that I manage the place...

Walter and Ronald have been on their best behavior and have been more than helpful.  As I mentioned last week, I think it has something to do with the newest resident on the farm, a charming young lady pig named Claudia.  She moved here to our farm from South Carolina, and I think the boys are...  well... gaga over her!  She's very sweet, exceptionally polite, and I'm sure that they're both trying to impress her with their manners and hard work.  We'll see how long THAT lasts!

Anyhow, thinking about Claudia traveling across the country to come live on our farm got me thinking about traveling, and what it would be like to go around the world.  I'm just a simple farm cow, I'll probably never have the chance, but in a way, I actually have been around the world.  Dan Radcliffe's Zazzle designs, featuring my friends and me, have been bought in every state in the United States, and actually a lot of designs have ended up all around the globe.  So with that in mind, here are a few of the world traveling designs:

Like this button with my little sister, Belle.  It went off to the United Kingdom!
And this button, with my dear friends Sherman Sheep and Lilly Lamb, ended up in Germany.
I Looked At You And Saw The Other Half Of Me button

A copy of this 2010 Holly Cow Calendar made its way down under, to Australia!

The 2010

And this poster went on a trip to Australia too!

Learning Is A Treasure print

This magnet went off to someone in England...

You Can Never Have Too Many Friends magnet

...and so did this card...

Holly Cow

...and so did a copy of this poster.  And another copy of this poster went to Austria.

Lose Yourself In Adventure...READ! print

Apparently I'm quite popular in the United Kingdom.  This magnet is over there...

Chance Made Us Sisters, Hearts Made Us Friends magnet

And this blue moo card went all the way to Japan!

Holly Cow

So I guess you could say I'm really a cow of the world! 

Well, I hope you all have enjoyed this little globe-trotting trip.  Until next time, this is Holly Cow saying Auf Wiedersehen, Ciao, じゃまたね, Aloha, Adios, and of course, Good Bye!


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